Vietcombank officials, Party members, and employees pay tribute to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Upon hearing the news of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam Central Committee,Nguyen Phu Trong's passing, cadres, party members, and employees throughout the entire Vietcombank system expressed their profound respect and infinite sorrow for this outstanding leader of the Party, State, and People.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a thinker, a culturalist, a theoretical flag of the Party, and an eminent student who has constantly studied and followed great President Hồ Chí Minh’s ideology, morality, and lifestyle, has devoted his lifetime to the revolutionary cause of the Party and nation, as well as the country and the people. With 80 years of life and 57 years of Party membership, he dedicated his entire existence to the noble ideals of the Party. He stood as a shining example of revolutionary morality, a steadfast communist soldier, a sharp and astute politician, and an exceptional Party theorist. His lifelong devotion to the ideals of national independence and socialism was aimed at securing the happiness of the people.

Throughout his revolutionary career, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has placed particular emphasis on Party work and Party building. By creatively applying Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on Party building, he has deeply elucidated the Party's mission and role in Vietnam's renewal, aiming to construct a governing Party in Vietnam's practical experience of renewal. As the highest leader of the Party, he has brought his revolutionary spirit, sense of responsibility, and enthusiasm to his work with a singular aspiration: for our Party to be genuinely clean and strong, our nation increasingly prosperous and developed, capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with global powers, and our people prosperous and content, fulfilling the aspirations of President Ho Chi Minh.

Throughout his life, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong unwaveringly dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause of our Party and people with a steadfast will and spirit, never faltering in the face of challenges and hardships. He exemplified a profound personality, holding "Honor as the most sacred and noble thing," steadfast in his principles, and dedicating his entire life to the nation and its people. Reflecting on General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we recall the image of an exemplary leader who not only spoke but acted decisively and systematically, striving for excellence and steadfastly rejecting compromises or tolerance for wrongdoing, especially concerning the erosion of political ideology, morality, and lifestyles, as well as manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation". He truly embodied pure revolutionary ethics, impartiality, a modest lifestyle, a democratic work style, dedication to knowledge, and respect and love for the people. He was respected, highly trusted, and loved by cadres, party members, and the populace, and admired by international friends.

During nearly three terms as General Secretary, Comrade Trong made significant contributions alongside the Party Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat, leading the entire Party and our people through numerous difficulties and challenges. His leadership facilitated successful innovations across various domains, including Party and political system development, national defense and security, foreign affairs, and socio-economic progress. These efforts have fortified our nation's foundation, potential, stature, and international prestige as it stands today.

On the occasion of Vietcombank's 60th anniversary (01/4/1963 - 01/4/2023) and its recognition as a Labor Hero during the renovation period, all leaders, party members, officers, and employees were honored to receive a congratulatory letter from General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. In his letter, he lauded and deeply appreciated Vietcombank's achievements, as well as the significant contributions and tireless efforts of generations of its staff over the past six decades. The General Secretary expressed confidence that with its rich traditions, enthusiasm, determination to innovate, unwavering political resolve, and dynamic creativity, the Board of Directors and all staff members of Vietcombank will continue to excel, successfully fulfill all assigned tasks, achieve even greater milestones, and make substantial contributions to Vietnam's nation-building and defense.

Acting upon the General Secretary's directives with strong political determination and decisive actions, the entire Vietcombank system has persistently tackled challenges, seized opportunities proactively, closely adhered to the Party's policies, guidelines, directives, and resolutions, rigorously followed the Government and State Bank of Vietnam's monetary management policies, effectively carried out Party building tasks, and excellently met business targets. These efforts have actively contributed to the country's socio-economic development achievements.

On the evening of July 19, 2024, immediately following the announcement of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's passing, Vietcombank officials, Party members, and employees took to their personal pages and social networks to express deep respect and profound sorrow for the esteemed leader, a towering figure among the Vietnamese people. Upon the Party and State's official declaration of a State funeral for the General Secretary, the Party Committee and Board of Directors of Vietcombank swiftly directed strict adherence to the national mourning protocols. Activities during the entire week of national mourning were curtailed or postponed, including events scheduled during the mourning period. Additionally, the screening of upbeat content at headquarters, transaction offices, and points throughout the system was temporarily halted, while efforts were made to promote documentaries detailing the life and legacy of the General Secretary at various units.

Remembering General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we recall an exemplary cadre - intelligent, courageous, dedicated, honest, humble, empathetic, and deeply connected with the people. His contributions to the country were exceptional and profound. He cherished a motto from the renowned work "How the Steel Was Tempered" by Soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky, which he held dear in his heart: "The most precious things for a human being are life and the honor of living, because life is only lived once. We must live in such a way that we do not regret the years spent in vain or wasted, nor feel ashamed of mean deeds or the disdain of others. When we close our eyes, we can be proud that throughout our life and with all our strength, we dedicated ourselves to the noble cause - struggling for national liberation, human emancipation, and the happiness of the people."

Guided by the General Secretary's wisdom, the cadre, party members, and employees of Vietcombank unwaveringly place absolute trust in the Party's leadership. They pledge to unite even more strongly, working hand in hand to overcome every challenge and difficulty. They are committed to achieving their goals and tasks excellently, diligently preparing and organizing Party Congresses at all levels, all aiming towards the 14th National Party Congress.

Vietcombank Party Committee's Propaganda Department 

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