  • "Personal data": is information in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sounds or the like on an electronic medium that is associated with a particular person or helps to identify a person. specific and specified in Section 21 of these General Trading Conditions.

  • “Personal Data Subject”: means an individual reflected by Personal Data, including all individual customers using Vietcombank's products and services, Vietcombank's employees, shareholders and/ or other individuals having a legal relationship with Vietcombank.
  • These general trading conditions on personal data protection (hereinafter referred to as the “General Trading Conditions”) are an integral part and should be read and understood in accordance with contracts, agreements. agreement, terms, conditions and other documents established between the Personal Data Subject and Vietcombank.

  • The General Transaction Conditions may be updated, modified, supplemented or replaced by Vietcombank from time to time and posted by Vietcombank on Vietcombank's official website (https://vietcombank.com.vn) and/or notify the Personal Data Subject through other appropriate means of Vietcombank.

  • Personal Data Protection in these General Transaction Conditions are explained in accordance with Vietcombank's policies regarding Personal Data protection. By registering to use and use Vietcombank's products and services, entering into a contract and/or allowing Vietcombank to process Personal Data, the Personal Data Subject accepts in its entirety and without any any conditions for the policies mentioned in these General Trading Conditions and any changes (if any) from time to time.

  • When providing Personal Data of a third party to Vietcombank, the Personal Data Subject represents, warrants and is responsible that the Personal Data Subject has provided complete information and obtained the consent. /the third party's legal consent to Vietcombank to process Personal Data for the purposes set forth in these General Transaction Conditions.
  • Vietcombank processes and protects Personal Data in accordance with Vietnamese law; fully comply with these General Trading Conditions and other contracts, agreements and documents entered into with the Personal Data Subject;

  • Vietcombank collects Personal Data for specific, clear and lawful purposes, within the purposes stated in these General Transaction Conditions and in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law;

  • Vietcombank always applies and updates technical measures in accordance with Vietnamese law to ensure the data security of Personal Data, including safeguards against unauthorized access. unauthorized or unlawful and/or destruction, loss, damage to Personal Data;

  • Vietcombank stores Personal Data appropriately and to the extent necessary for processing purposes in accordance with Vietnamese law;

  • In addition to the above principles, Vietcombank is committed to complying with regulations related to data protection of children and ensuring compliance with legal regulations on data protection from time to time.
  • Missions
    • "Personal data": is information in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sounds or the like on an electronic medium that is associated with a particular person or helps to identify a person. specific and specified in Section 21 of these General Trading Conditions.

    • “Personal Data Subject”: means an individual reflected by Personal Data, including all individual customers using Vietcombank's products and services, Vietcombank's employees, shareholders and/ or other individuals having a legal relationship with Vietcombank.
  • Descriptions
    • These general trading conditions on personal data protection (hereinafter referred to as the “General Trading Conditions”) are an integral part and should be read and understood in accordance with contracts, agreements. agreement, terms, conditions and other documents established between the Personal Data Subject and Vietcombank.

    • The General Transaction Conditions may be updated, modified, supplemented or replaced by Vietcombank from time to time and posted by Vietcombank on Vietcombank's official website (https://vietcombank.com.vn) and/or notify the Personal Data Subject through other appropriate means of Vietcombank.

    • Personal Data Protection in these General Transaction Conditions are explained in accordance with Vietcombank's policies regarding Personal Data protection. By registering to use and use Vietcombank's products and services, entering into a contract and/or allowing Vietcombank to process Personal Data, the Personal Data Subject accepts in its entirety and without any any conditions for the policies mentioned in these General Trading Conditions and any changes (if any) from time to time.

    • When providing Personal Data of a third party to Vietcombank, the Personal Data Subject represents, warrants and is responsible that the Personal Data Subject has provided complete information and obtained the consent. /the third party's legal consent to Vietcombank to process Personal Data for the purposes set forth in these General Transaction Conditions.
  • Commitments
    • Vietcombank processes and protects Personal Data in accordance with Vietnamese law; fully comply with these General Trading Conditions and other contracts, agreements and documents entered into with the Personal Data Subject;

    • Vietcombank collects Personal Data for specific, clear and lawful purposes, within the purposes stated in these General Transaction Conditions and in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law;

    • Vietcombank always applies and updates technical measures in accordance with Vietnamese law to ensure the data security of Personal Data, including safeguards against unauthorized access. unauthorized or unlawful and/or destruction, loss, damage to Personal Data;

    • Vietcombank stores Personal Data appropriately and to the extent necessary for processing purposes in accordance with Vietnamese law;

    • In addition to the above principles, Vietcombank is committed to complying with regulations related to data protection of children and ensuring compliance with legal regulations on data protection from time to time.
  • Documents
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