Vietcombank Vietnam Airlines American Express®
7 billion VND

Earn miles
Financial optimisation
Convenient payment
Issuance procedure
Card usage limit
Card validity
5 years
Number of supplementary cards
Statement date
User guide
Issuance fee
Annual fee
Main cards:
Supplementary cards:
Other fees
In this case, you need to check the following points:
-Ensure that the phone with the MOCA app is working properly and has an internet connection.
-Check if you have registered for SMS Banking with VCB (Note: OTP will be sent to the phone number you registered to receive OTP from VCB).
-Ensure that the phone with the registered SIM for receiving OTP is working properly.
-If the issue persists, you can call the MOCA hotline (1900 6923) or VCB's hotline (1900 54 54 13) for further assistance.