Warning about the phenomenon of fraudulent impersonation using messages bearing the Vietcombank brand

In recent days, there has been an increase in fraudulent activities involving impersonation of the Vietcombank brand through messages claiming that the customer's VCB Digibank service has been locked. These messages invite customers to click on a fake link, aiming to steal service information and funds from the customer's account.

ảnh minh họa

Some of the observed fake links include the following:






As soon as Vietcombank received this information, we promptly notified the relevant authorities to block the fake links. While these tactics are not new, they have become more complex during the high transaction period leading up to the holidays. Vietcombank would like to offer the following recommendations:

  1. Vietcombank has only ONE official website, which can be accessed at: https://vietcombank.com.vn/. Please note that you should ONLY access Vietcombank's official website to log in to digital banking services.
  2. Vietcombank DOES NOT send SMS messages notifying customers about the VCB Digibank service being locked and requesting verification via a link.
  3. If you receive SMS messages with content similar to the above, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK in the message, and immediately report it to Vietcombank through the hotline number 1900545413 and to the nearest local authorities.
  4. In case you have clicked on a link and disclosed information, please take proactive measures to urgently lock the VCB Digibank service by sending a text message with the syntax "VCB KHOA DIGIBANK" to 6167 or by calling the hotline 1900545413 or visiting the nearest branch locations (during business hours).
  5. Please adhere to the safe transaction principles that Vietcombank regularly updates in the "Personal Customers/Safe Transactions" section on the Vietcombank website.

    Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
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