Vietcombank launches “An Vui Fixed Deposit” product exclusively for elderly customer

An Vui Fixed Deposit is designed by Vietcombank especially for customers aged 60 and over with preferential interest rates and convenient use on VCB Digibank. When choosing An Vui Fixed Deposit customers will receive attractive interest rate incentives:

  • The first year: Add 0.1%/year on the basic interest rate.
  • The second year of maintenance: Add 0.2% year on the basic interest rate.
  • The third year and the following years of maintenace: Add 0.3% year on the basic interest rate

In addition, customers can deposit savings online 24/7 on VCB Digibank without having to go to the bank.

An Vui Fixed Deposit is the next gift that Vietcombank offer especially to customers entering the “ Golden Age” threshold. Previously, Vietcombank was the first bank in the market which launching An Vui interface on VCB Digibank (interface for elderly customers) on October 1, 2024 - The International Day of Older Person. Up to now, hundreds of thoudsands of customers have chosen An Vui interface on VCB Digibank for daily banking transactions.

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