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In Vietcombank, highest standards of ethical and legal behaviors are maintained in all of our operations. The Whistleblowing Policy is implemented as the Bank's commitment of good governance and transparency, with the primary objective of encouraging the provision of information about any actual or suspected fraudulent activities related to the Bank’s operations.
For the purpose of this policy, a fraudulent activity is defined as a deliberate deception to misappropriate assets of the Bank and/or that of customers held by the Bank, or a deliberate violation of law and/or internal regulations of the Bank.
The Whistleblowing Policy is not used for:
Whistleblowing can be done by:
Whistleblowing may be made in Vietnamese or English; whistleblowing in other languages shall not be processed.
Whistleblowing information shall be transferred to functional departments at Vietcombank for processing according to the Bank's internal regulations.