Solution information

Solution information


  • Give Client the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific quantity of a commodity at a specified price in a particular term in the future.
  • Types of Option contract:

+ Standardized Option contract traded on the Exchange (Options on Futures)

+ Option contract traded in the over-the-counter market (OTC Option)

+ OTC Option contracts combined with floor and ceiling prices (Collar)

  • Traded Commodities: Agriculture products; Fuel; Energy; Metals according to current regulations.
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  • Hedge the commodity price risk by fixing the buying/selling price of a specific quantity of a commodity at a certain term, thereby stabilising business performance.
  • On expiry date, Client can choose to/not to exerice the Option. Option premium is the total amount thar Client pays for an Option.
  • Give Client access to the global commodity derivatives market.
  • Preferential fee policy.
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