Support 100% of the insurance amount
Provide 100% insurance money when diagnosed with cancer in lower case, stroke or heart attack
Optimal price for all ages
Low insurance fee, maximum protection until 80 years old
Simple and easy sign-up
Fully online procedure with 3 simple questions, no medical check-up required




  • Age of entry: 18 - 60 years old
  • Maximum age at the end of the insurance term: 80 years old
  • The policyholder is also the insured person.


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Policy term

  • Insurance term: 1 year and renewable annually, up to a maximum of until the insured person reaches 80 years old.
  • Premium payment term: Equal to the insurance term.
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Premium paying period


  • The total benefit for Early Stage Cancer will be paid to one Insured Person across all contracts in force with FWD, not exceeding 500 million VND.
  • The maximum total insurance benefit payout for this product is 100% of the Sum Insured.
  • The contract will terminate after FWD has paid out 100% of the insurance benefit.
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Insured event

100% of the insurance benefit will be paid when the Insured Person is diagnosed with one of the following 03 illnesses:

  • Cancer at any stage.
  • Stroke.
  • Coronary artery disease.
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Guide on purchasing insurance on VCB Digibank

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