Be cautious when handing your card to strangers for payment.

In everyday life, when dining at restaurants, shopping, or visiting supermarkets, customers often have the habit of handing their cards to store/restaurant employees for payment without witnessing the card-swiping process, only receiving a receipt and signing it. This can make it easy for malicious individuals to clone the customer's credit/debit card.

The distinctive features of a payment card include all the information displayed on the card's face, such as the cardholder's name, card number, expiration date, CVV/CVC (verification code) number, etc. When these details are recorded, malicious actors can exploit them to steal money through payments or make fraudulent online purchases. Therefore, if customers expose their credit card numbers and CVV/CVC codes, the risk of card information theft and fraudulent transactions is significantly higher.

To ensure safety, Vietcombank recommends that customers adhere to the following principles:

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Here is the translation of the recommendations for card transactions:

- Do not hand over your card to anyone except bank employees or designated cashier employees of the accepting unit authorized to work with you.
- When conducting transactions at a POS terminal, please take note of the following:
   - Ensure that the transaction is conducted within the customer's line of sight to observe the cashier's card processing. Request that the cashier does not photocopy or record card details.
   - Carefully check the content and the total amount to be paid before signing the transaction receipt.
   - Retrieve your card immediately after completing the transaction.
   - Keep all card payment receipts and related documents for reconciliation with card account statements. Dispose of receipts securely (shred) before discarding them.

For more details on ensuring card transaction safety, customers can refer to the "Giao dịch An toàn" (Safe Transactions) section on the Vietcombank website.

You can find more information here: [Vietcombank Safe Transactions]

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